The 1 Facebook Setting You Should Change Now – Forbes


Your Facebook News Feed has changed dramatically over recent years. Whereas in the past you’d be able to see what friends and family have been doing, in chronological order, your Facebook News Feed may displaying the sort of content that’s designed to make people angry.
This is one of the major points of contention in the Facebook whistleblower case, with former Facebook executive Frances Haugen saying the social network’s algorithm pushes toxic group content, placing this at the top of your News Feed. The reason? To keep you engaged and make you stay on Facebook longer, so the social network can serve you ads.
Lawmakers are concerned, with many saying they think Facebook users should have the option to disable this automated ranking system. It is the subject of a bill that’s just entered the House of Representatives, which states that social media companies shouldn’t rely on algorithms to govern what you see.
A report in the Washington Post shows why Facebook would be reluctant to turn off ranking completely. One internal report describes how when people can turn off the algorithm, they spend less time on their News Feed, and post and interact less. They’ll eventually log into Facebook less, and maybe even consider deleting Facebook.
There’s no doubt about it—less engagement is bad news for Facebook, which relies on revenue from advertising. The social network has also been struggling to attract younger users; it can’t afford for its base to shrink.
Taking this into account, it certainly makes sense that Facebook banned the developer of the browser extension that allows people to get rid of their News Feed, Unfollow Everything in October.
The ad based and data hungry profit model is also one of the reasons why a Facebook-led Metaverse could be such a privacy nightmare
You might not be aware of this, but you can change your Facebook news feed to simply display your most recent updates by going to the bar on the left side of your News Feed and selecting Most Recent in the Settings. The bad news—it only works while you are logged in.
In general, by changing your preferences for Top Posts, you can also take back a bit of control over what and whose posts you see. Once logged into Facebook, go to Settings & Privacy > News Feed Preferences. There is a setting in there called Manage Favorites, which will allow you to add friends and pages you want to be prioritized in your News Feed.
It’s not perfect, and it’s not a catch-all solution, but it does help to take back a bit of control over your Facebook feed, and actually see posts from people and groups you want to follow. It’s therefore a good idea to change this setting now.


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