BEWARE Jersey Shore: Newest Facebook Scam Reaches A New Low –


The Jersey Shore’s Hit Music Channel
Scamming people has escalated to a whole new level in the 21st century all thanks to the internet and social media.
I've heard about all types of scams but my recent experience had my eyes bulging out of my head as I stared at the computer screen.
The story I am about to tell you took place on Facebook and it all started with a message from my aunt.
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I have screenshots of the conversation so you know what to look out for!
So let's take a look:
So no, that was not actually my aunt sending me those messages.
However, her full name and photos were used to impersonate her. Evidently, things have gotten so bad that scammers are now posing as your friends and family!
There are a lot of people who know to be suspicious when receiving a message like this but there are also a lot of people who will be fooled by something like this because they are desperate for monetary help.
So now you know yet another angle these scammers are taking.
But there is one issue I have with this specific scam: I am not sure what the scammer's end goal is.
Is it to get my information? Is it to know where I live? There was no talk of me sending them money or any bank information so where is the scam? I know there is one in there somewhere.
Any ideas? Email me at Nicole.Murray@townsquaremedia!
But now that you know, I suggest you erase all of your family connections on Facebook. You know who your Mom is. You know who your Dad is.
Scammers don't.
Stay safe out there!


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