My father-in-law announced my miscarriage on Facebook – New York Post


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Unfortunately, miscarriage is quite a common phenomenon – an estimated one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage.
It’s an extremely emotional and distressing time for everyone, especially the woman mourning the death of her unborn child.
Very personal, this is also an unfortunate event many choose not to reveal to others, even their closest ones; it can sometimes take up years for them to open up.
However, one woman’s been left particularly upset and disturbed as her father-in-law announced her miscarriage on Facebook without her permission.
She shared the heartbreaking story on a Reddit post.
After noticing some bleeding around the 10th week, she rushed to the hospital where doctors assured her everything was fine.
A few weeks later, she went for a scan, where she was told the baby had died at around the ninth week of pregnancy.
”The image on the screen will haunt us both forever.
”My mum was with us at the time and explained everything to my side of the family. ”
Unable to face anyone, she asked her partner to contact everyone in his family.
”We made them promise not to put anything on Facebook.”
The two were devastated: ”I’d been carrying my dead baby for weeks.
”I finally broke down.”
But it only got worse in the evening when she checked her phone and realized her father-in-law had posted about the miscarriage.
”By the time we noticed it already had over 200 likes and a bunch of comments.
”I was devastated and angry…so very angry,” she wrote.
”This was our baby.
”My baby.
”Not his.
”Even if we wanted to announce it publicly it should have been on our terms.”
She said she instantly locked down her Facebook and her husband’s inbox was quickly filled with condolence messages.
She expressed how all of her trust had been lost and she wasn’t sure if she’ll ever be able to get over this and forgive him.
”I can’t bear to face him.
”I’ve already canceled plans for Christmas.
”This has been one of the most painful experiences of my life, both physically and mentally.”
Fellow Redditors were, of course, disturbed by what they’d read, with one commenting: ”This is f*****g disgusting!
”Time to go no contact with FIL.”
Another one wrote: ”You have more than a right to feel angry that someone has shared your private grief for others to see freely online.”
This story originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.
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