Get Solution to Recover Facebook Password Without Email and Phone Number – The Laconia Daily Sun


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How can my colleagues help me recover my Facebook account?
If you actually know your way about Facebook, then you must have come across the term (Facebook trusted contacts).
Recover Facebook Password Without Email and Phone Number
Facebook trusted connections are another method of acquiring access to your account if you got locked out.
How makes this work?
Well, Facebook has this to say regarding trusted contacts.
”After you set up a trusted contact, they’ll be able to give you special, special-time security codes from Facebook with a unique URL. “How to Recover Facebook Password Without Email and Phone Number 2019” You can then communicate your friends for this code to get advice and regain access to your account.”
If you are secured out Facebook and you don’t have Trusted contacts this won’t fight for you.
But if you did set committed contacts, here’s how to improve your Facebook account using Trusted contacts;
On Facebook’s login page, click on Forgot your password?
Find your account by registering your phone number, Email or Username, If prompted.
Click on No longer have access to these?
Enter a new accessible email address and click continue.
On the next page, click Reveal My Trusted Contacts, and type in the full name of one of your trusted contacts.
You will see a set of instructions that includes a URL that contains a special security code that can be viewed only by your trusted contacts.
Send the URL to your assigned contacts so they can open the link and give the security code to you.
Use the redemption codes to access your account.
Note: You should call your colleagues(trusted contacts) when acquiring protection codes from them, sending the codes via email could be risky.
Now, before moving ahead, be advised that if you didn’t set these options as a means of Facebook account recovery, your chances of recovering your Facebook account are slim.
I can’t access the email address or phone number listed on my account.
This situation is quite unfortunate, but here’s a shot at solving it;
I hope this helps,
Open the Facebook login page.
Click/tap on the forgotten account?
Enter your username, full name, or Email address in the box provided.
On the next page, click on I forgot my password.
Look at the Email or phone number listed, If you don’t have access to any? Click on ”No longer have access to these?”
Finally, follow the on-screen instruction and answer your security question.
Alternatively, If you don’t have access to your email account you can contact your Email service provider (Gmail) and retrieve your Email account first before retrieving your Facebook account.
Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items.
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