Woman arrested after preparing to smoke marijuana live on Facebook – WXIX


COLUMBUS COUNTY, N.C. (WECT) – A woman was arrested on several drugs charges after authorities received an anonymous tip she was preparing to smoke marijuana during a Facebook Live.
Around 9:15 a.m. Thursday morning, the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office was notified that Candace Keene, 33, was preparing marijuana to be smoked in a live stream on Facebook, according to a news release from the sheriff’s office.
“Investigators reviewed the social media account and was able to observe the video,” a spokesperson for the department wrote in the release. “Investigators and H.E.A.T. Deputies went to the home of Candace Keene and spoke to her about the narcotics seen in the video which see did not deny.”
Investigators found and collected unspecified amounts of marijuana and a controlled prescription medicine not prescribed to Keene during a search of the home.
While in a patrol vehicle following her arrest, Keene allegedly threatened to “purposely” urinate in the vehicle, according to the news release.
Keene was taken to jail and charged with possession with intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver a schedule VI controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and damage to government property. Her bond was set at $4,000 secured.
“We want to thank the citizens that report concerns to us no matter how large or small,” a spokesperson wrote in the release. “In North Carolina marijuana is illegal and we have a duty to enforce all laws no matter the opinion. We have collected some marijuana that has contained fentanyl and other deadly drugs and narcotics.”
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